久留米シティプラザ 久留米シティプラザ

“See you in Kitanomachi 2024” Dancing Session Report (2)

Kurume City Plaza has been conducting the 3-year project "See You in Kitanomachi" in Kitanomachi since FY 2023. This project's objective is to promote networking that would lead to mutual trust beyond nationalities, utilizing the elements of social inclusion of cultural art. ★"See you in Kitanomachi"2024

This time we would like to report on the second round of the dancing session which was held in the multipurpose room of Cosmo Smile Kitano from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on July 21, 2024.

Ms. Ayano Momoda, Mr. Akiyoshi Nita and Ms. Masakichi, who all are dancers, led the event. Eleven people including children participated on this day. 
At the beginning, participants put their hands up and down as an ice-breaker, following the cue by Ms. Momoda. After waving their hands side to side, and up and down, they did sumo-style stomping.

After their bodies relaxed little by little, they moved their bodies, imitating the human growth process. They laid down and rolled over as if they were fetuses in their mothers’ wombs. Then they crawled on all fours like babies and got off their knees to walk on two legs. Participants smiled and said “We are walking as if we were drunk”, “We are like living dead” when they were walking while swinging their hands like monkeys.

To finish the ice-breaker, they formed a circle weaving in and out of the participants while holding hands all the time. Although some of them got entwined or entangled, they spontaneously clapped their hands after they returned to the original circle without losing their grip until the end     . 

After the intermission, the session proceeded, taking up “touching” as a theme. Firstly, they were divided into pairs and played rock, paper,  scissors. The winners became leaders.

They placed their palms touching each other and moved together in order not to separate from the leaders. Mr. Nita said, “Even if you don't speak verbally, you can have an internal conversation when your body is connected.” Each pair did all kinds of things such as moving fast and slowly, and putting their hands up and down, predicting the change between the pair. This is a communication not only with words, but also with hand movements. 

After, Ms. Momoda told them to change the parts of the body that they will touch       (elbow to elbow, leg to leg, back to back,  the palm,  the head, etc) on their own volition.      . 

During the session, they changed their pairs several times and got each other naturally to unite.
After the event, the participants enjoyed  verbal communication despite their      nationality,  asking questions like; “What are you making in agriculture?”, “How did you come here?”, “The rain didn’t bother you?”, “Are you a university student?” and “How old are you?”, etc.

Here is a part of feedback from the participants.

・It was fun to move together while making eye contact. Children also participated, and there were many smiles on our faces.(目を合わせながら、一緒に動くのが楽しかった。子どもも参加して笑顔があふれました。)

・At first I was so worried. But I enjoyed it because we could communicate with small children, adults and artists using only our bodies.(はじめは不安でいっぱいだったけど、ちっちゃい子から大人の方、アーティストと身体だけでコミュニケーションをとれて楽しかったです。)

・It was very fun. I enjoy the program. Everybody was friendly. It was interesting. Very impressive.(とても楽しかったです。みんなフレンドリーで、印象的で、興味深いプログラムでした)


・I feel us so very interesting and relaxing our body and mind so very communicate to other people very important. Thank you so much, matane!(とても興味深く、体も心もリラックスできました。他の人たちとのコミュニケーションが非常に重要であると感じています。ありがとう。またね!)


The next session of “See You in Kitanomachi” will be held on October 27. If you are interested in international exchange, or if you want to challenge yourself in communication by using your body, we look forward to your participation!
