久留米シティプラザ 久留米シティプラザ

Report: "See you in Kitano-machi" Dance workshop (3)

Kurume City Plaza has been running the three-year project "See you in Kitano-machi" since 2023, with the aim of promoting networking that leads to mutual trust across nationalities, while utilising the socially inclusive elements of culture and the arts.

The third Dance workshop was held on Sunday 29 October 2023 from 14:00 to 15:00 in the Multipurpose Room at Cosmo Smile Kitano.

The facilitators for the day were dancers Akiyoshi Nita and Shiori Susaki. Three technical intern trainees from the Philippines, two students from Kurume University, and three others who were recruited from the public participated in the workshop. The participants, who varied in nationality, age, and physique, seemed a bit nervous. With light music and a mix of Japanese and English by the facilitator, Mr. Nita, they began by walking freely around the room and touching palms at the beginning of each encounter. Next, they made eye contact as they passed each other, called out to each other, and tried to keep pace with each other. Gradually, the party relaxed and began to smile.


The participants stretch in pairs. With both feet on the ground, stretch the body while changing the points of contact, such as both hands, one hand, and shoulder to shoulder. Then, do the same with one leg. Repeat with a different pair. The key to stretching with two people, as opposed to stretching alone, is to maintain balance. It is also necessary to be aware of one's own body and one's partner's body. For example, how one's own body should be and how to keep each other's centre of gravity constant. It seemed to be an opportunity to take the time to face both themselves and their paired partners.


After a short break, the participants try walking from wall to wall in the room in pairs, with one shoulder to the other. If they do not firmly place their weight on each other and accept each other's weight, they will lose their balance. Through trial and error, the pairs communicated with each other with their bodies rather than words and moved forward in their own pace.


Lastly, the participants worked in pairs to pull each other. They pull each other and release their hands while maintaining tension. Afterwards, they continued the exercise in their imagination. They imagined the person furthest away from them as the "pulling partner," and a large movement was generated among everyone at the end.


Here are some of the comments from the participants.

・I feel relaxed with todays dance lesson. It stretched out my body goodly. thanks for the experience!

・Since this is my 3rd time I always feel relaxed and enjoy this is so interesting program  I had in Japan.

・I thought that physical dance was a great way to communicate naturally. I enjoyed it and would like to participate again.

・Since the workshop was about communication and dialogue using the body, it was a time to enjoy and get to know each other regardless of language or age.



★For more information about Kurume City Plaza Outreach Project " See you in Kitano-machi", please click here.

Report: "See you in Kitano-machi" Dance workshop (3)
