久留米シティプラザ 久留米シティプラザ

“See you in Kitanomachi 2024” Dancing Session Report (4)

Kurume City Plaza has been conducting the 3-year project "See You in Kitanomachi" in Kitanomachi since FY 2023. This project's objective is to promote networking that would lead to mutual trust beyond nationalities, utilizing the elements of social inclusion of cultural art. ★"See you in Kitanomachi"2024

We would like to report on the fourth round of “See you in Kitanomachi Dance Workshop” which was held in the multipurpose room of Cosmo Smile Kitano from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on December 8 2024. 

Mr. Masakichi, Mr. Akiyoshi Nita, Ms. Ayano Momoda and Ms. Shiori Susaki, who are dancers, led the event. Sixteen people including children participated. 

First, at Mr. Masakichi's instructions, participants gently rubbed their whole bodies with both hands as if they were drying their skin with a dry cloth. After their bodies warmed up, they walked around the venue, gradually changing the movement by rotating their arms around and raising their knees. Then they paired up and stretched to loosen up their bodies. They pulled on each other's arms as if they were making a heart shape.

Next, they sat on the floor and stretched by putting their feet together. At first, they used both hands to move like a seesaw, then they let go of their hands to keep their balance with just their feet. The participants were able to communicate well and they naturally smiled. 

After the intermission, participants formed groups of three, lined up in a row, and took turns performing their favorite poses. Some participants made a tunnel for others to crawl through, by placing their feet and hands on the floor with their front torso and face facing upwards.

The participants again paired up and split into leaders and followers, placing the backs of their hands together. First the followers closed their eyes, and the leaders silently guided them around the venue using only the sensation on the backs of their hands. They started slowly, then gradually sped up, being careful not to bump into each other. Each pair alternated their roles, deepening their communication by using only the touch of their hands. 

The participants changed their partners, and as one person struck a pose like a sculpture, the other touched them and took the pose instead. As they continued, everyone naturally connected together and became one.

To conclude the workshop, the participants formed a circle and danced to light music, moving forward, backward, left and right, drawing closer and further apart. The one-hour workshop finished where everyone worked up a good sweat.

Here are some comments from the participants.

・As expected this is fun program. I had a great time and I met a new friends. (予想通り楽しいプログラムでした。とても楽しい時間を過ごせました。そして新しい友達にも会えました)

・It was so fun and bit challenging. The weather so cold outside we almost didn’t come but glad we did. (とても楽しかったですが、少し難しかったです。外はとても寒かったので、来ないつもりでしたが、来てよかったです。)

・It was a lot of fun. The children enjoyed themselves, and it was a great opportunity for both adults and children to have fun dancing together, even with people of different nationalities and people we had just met for the first time. Thank you very much. (すごく楽しかったです。子どもも楽しんでいて、大人も子どもも、国籍が違っても、はじめて会った人たちとでも楽しく一緒にダンスができて、とても良い機会になりました。ありがとうございました。)


・The dancing was harder than I expected, but it was great that we were able to have deep communication. I'll definitely participate again.(思った以上にダンスがハードでしたが、その分コミュニケーションが深まってとても良かったです。また参加させてもらいます。)


"See you in Kitanomachi" will be held also in FY 2025. More details will be announced on the website of Kurme City Plaza and in flyers at a later date, so please check them out.

“See you in Kitanomachi 2024” Dancing Session Report (4)
