久留米シティプラザ 久留米シティプラザ

“See you in Kitanomachi 2024” Dancing Session Report (1)

Kurume City Plaza has been conducting the 3-year project "See You in Kitanomachi" in Kitanomachi since FY 2023. This project's objective is to promote networking that would lead to mutual trust beyond nationalities, utilizing the elements of social inclusion of cultural art. ★"See you in Kitanomachi"2024

This time we would like to report on the first round of the dancing session which was held in the multipurpose room of Cosmo Smile Kitano from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on June 23, 2024.

Mr. Akiyoshi Nita, Ms. Shiori Susaki, Ms. Ayano Momoda and Ms. Masakichi led the event. Seventeen people including technical intern trainees participated on this day.

This round, the theme was “to relax”. At the beginning participants put their hands up and down to the counting by Mr. Nita as an ice-breaker. Before they knew it they were circling around in the same direction, as if they were dancing Bon Odori, which made them smile.

After they relaxed, Mr. Nita told them to thread their ways through other participants and they did so. He advised them saying “If you almost hit others, ease up. By doing this, you can reduce the impact. Please observe people around you carefully.”

Then a ball was distributed to each participant. They put it on the back of their hand or move it close to the floor while walking. What impressed us was they were moving cautiously in order not to hit the children.

Next, participants were divided into pairs to toss the ball back and forth between each other and they threw the ball with only one hand.

The participants walked with their partners using their shoulders to hold the ball in between them. Mr. Nita told them to lean against the bodies of their partners. They pushed their bodies against their partners and moved forward working together although they almost lost their balance.

Moreover, they tried standing up by pulling the hands of their partners. We could see that they communicated using their bodies, and not through words.

In the end, they relaxed by doing yoga movements.

The participants worked up a good sweat and looked refreshed.
After the session, they naturally started chatting in a circle.

Some participants had a photo shoot session and exchanged their social media accounts with each other.

Here is a part of feedback from the participants.

・It was interesting enjoynable,and fun.I meet a lot of new people and learn their names. All around it was so great to be here.Thank you. (たくさんの新しい人たちと出会い、彼らの名前を知ることができた。ここに来られて本当に良かった。ありがとう)

・I always loved to join this kind of program/session it helps me to relaxed and avail to communicate others despite person of being not the same country.


・I enjoyed every minute of this one hour. I think it’s cool that we kept laughing like this using our bodies.(1時間ずっと楽しかったです。体を使ってこんなに人と笑い合えるのはすごいと思います。)


・I realized that we could communicate with smiles and gestures even if we speak different languages. I enjoyed it very much because I interacted with many people. (たとえ話す言語が違っても笑顔とジェスチャーがあればコミュニケーションがとれるんだなと感じました。たくさんの方と触れ合えてとても楽しかったです。)


The next session of “See You in Kitanomachi” will be held on July 21st. If you are interested in international exchange, or if you want to challenge yourself in communication by using your body, we look forward to your participation!

“See you in Kitanomachi 2024” Dancing Session Report (1)
